Unattainable Atlanta

The Atlanta Journal Constitution: How much do you need to make to afford a house in Georgia this year?

It hurts to read this. I know so many amazing people contributing to Atlanta and Georgia every day for whom homeownership is out of reach. How have we come so far as a nation but seem to be disconnected from actually helping others have a better life? This is obviously a housing crisis. Dignified housing is a human right and we need immediate change to create better housing policies and allow for more affordable, attainable, abundant, and diverse housing options for all.

At an event a woman approached me asking how much a smaller home would be. When I gave her the number, she was so excited and asked if this was even possible. I said not yet, but that is what we are working towards.

In the housing market today, not enough supply creates huge demand, and prices are way up. Unfortunately, our current zoning laws prevent the innovation and timeliness needed to build more homes quickly. We need to be more creative and utilize space better to diversity housing options throughout Atlanta to make Atlanta a city for everyone.

MicroLife Institute’s pilot pocket neighborhood project the Cottages on Vaughan allowed us to still have detached single family homes but utilize space better and allow for more attainable prices. The 500 square foot house sizes might not be for everyone, but the principle of space utilization and community-oriented development can be applied to any community.


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